

Lockscreen (decay)#

If xochitl has a pin set, you will be prompted to import it. If you don’t have a pin set, or decide not to import one from xochtil, you will be prompted to create a pin. You may choose to use the device with no pin.

Launcher (oxide)#

You can access the power menu from the power button on the top right of the screen. This will allow you to put the device to sleep, or to power off the device.

The menu button on the top left side of the screen will open up the tools menu. This allows you to refresh the grid, import applications from draft, or to open up the options dialog. Importing applications will only import applications that contain valid configuration for Oxide. This means that draft configuration that attempts to pass arguments to the call= setting will not be imported.

Tapping on the wifi icon open up the wifi menu.

The options dialog will allow you to configure various settings in the application. You have the option to reload the settings from the conf file on disk, or to close the options dialog and save the current settings to disk.

Press on an application to launch, or return to an application. Long press on it to see more information about the application. If the application is running you will also be presented with a button to kill the application. There will be a button to toggle if this application should be launched on startup. This will automatically disable launch on startup from another application.

Application Switcher (corrupt)#

  • To open the application switcher:

    • Swipe up from the bottom of the screen

    • Alt+Tab

  • You can select Home to return to the launcher.

  • You can select any running application to switch to that application.

  • You can long press any running application to close that application.

  • You can tap above the application switcher to return to the currently running application.

  • You can swipe from the left edge of the screen, or long press the left button to return to the currently running application.

  • You can select the left or right arrow if they are enabled to scroll through running applications.

Background Service (tarnish)#

  • To return to the previous application:

    • Opt+Backspace

    • Press and hold the left button on the rM1.

    • Swipe from the left edge of the screen.

  • To launch the process manager:

    • Press and hold the middle button on the rM1.

    • Ctrl+Shift+1

  • Press the power button to suspend the device.

  • To take a screenshot:

    • Press and hold the right button on the rM1.

    • Swipe from the right edge of the screen.

    • Shift+Opt+S

  • Swipe from the top of the screen to enable/disable swipe gestures.

  • Opt+L to lock the screen.

  • Ctrl+Alt+T to open yaft or fingerterm if installed

Process Manager (erode)#

  • There is a reload button on the top right of the screen that will refresh the list.

  • You can click on the column headers to sort the list by that column.

  • If you click on a kill button for a process you will be prompted on if you really want to kill the process. In that prompt you will have the option to kill the process (SIGTERM), or to force quit (SIGKILL) the process.

  • You can exit the application by pressing the left arrow on the top left of the toolbar.

  • If the process list is long enough, you can scroll it by swiping up or down on the list. After you have swiped the list will scroll.

Screenshot Tool (fret)#

The screenshot tool will automatically start up and wait for right button long presses, at which time it will request a screenshot be taken and stored to /home/root/screenshots. It will then execute /tmp/.screenshot if it exists. Due to how the reMarkable preserves colour information in the framebuffer used to generate the screenshot, there may be colour in the screenshots that are not visible on the reMarkable itself.

Screenshot Viewer (anxiety)#

  • The arrow on the top right of the screen will exit the application.

  • The gear on the top right of the screen will allow changing preview sizes in the screenshots list.

  • Long press on a screenshot to delete it.

  • Select a screenshot to view it.

  • When a screenshot is open, the arrow on the top left of the screen will return to the screenshots list.

  • When a screenshot is open, the delete button on the top right of the screen will delete the screenshot, and return to the screenshots list.

CLI Tool (rot)#

Using the CLI Tool (rot)#

Usage from the command line only, run rot --help to see possible options. For more information on possible API values see the dbus specification files, the high level API design, or Application Development.


Usage: rot [options] api action
Oxide settings tool

  -h, --help             Displays help on commandline options.
  --help-all             Displays help including Qt specific options.
  -v, --version          Displays version information.
  -o, --object <object>  Object to act on, e.g.
  --once                 Exit on the first signal when listening.

  api                    settings
  action                 get


rot [options] api get name

  -o, --object <object>  Object to act on, e.g.

  api                    settings
  name                   Property to get.


  rot power get batteryLevel


rot [options] api set name value

  -o, --object <object>  Object to act on, e.g.

  api                    settings
  name                   Property to get.
  value                  Value to set the property to.


  rot system set autoSleep 5


rot [options] api listen name

  -o, --object <object>  Object to act on, e.g.
  --once                 Exit on the first signal when listening.

  api                    settings
  name                   Signal to listen to.


  rot --once system leftAction


rot [options] api call name arguments...

  -o, --object <object>  Object to act on, e.g.

  api                    settings
  name                   Signal to listen to.
  arguments              Arguments to pass to the method using the following format: <QVariant>:<Value>. e.g. QString:Test


  rot screen call screenshot

Examples of usage#

These examples assume you have jq installed.

# Get list of registered applications
rot apps get applications | jq 'keys'

# Get list of running applications
rot apps get runningApplications | jq 'keys'

# Get the display name of the current application
rot apps get currentApplication \
  | jq -cr | sed 's|/codes/eeems/oxide1/||' \
  | xargs -I {} rot --object Application:{} apps get displayName \
  | jq -cr

# Stop an application based on it's registration name
rot apps get applications \
  | jq -cr '."codes.eeems.fret"' | sed 's|/codes/eeems/oxide1/||' \
  | xargs -I {} rot --object Application:{} apps call stop

# Start an application based on it's registration name
rot apps get applications \
  | jq -cr '."xochitl"' | sed 's|/codes/eeems/oxide1/||' \
  | xargs -I {} rot --object Application:{} apps call launch

# Get list of notifications
rot notification get notifications | jq

# Add a notification
uuid=$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid)
path=$(rot notification call add \
      "QString:\"$uuid\"" \
      'QString:"sample-application"' \
      'QString:"Hello world!"' \
      'QString:""' \
  | jq -cr \
  | sed 's|/codes/eeems/oxide1/||'

# Display the notification
rot --object Notification:$path notification call display

# Remove the notification
rot --object Notification$path notification call remove

# Get current battery percentage
rot power get batteryLevel

# Output whenever the battery percentage changes
rot power listen batteryLevelChanged

# Take a screenshot
[ $(rot screen call screenshot | jq -cr) = "/" ] && echo "Failed to take screenshot!"

# Remove all screenshots
rot screen get screenshots \
  | jq -cr 'values | join("\n")' \
  | sed 's|/codes/eeems/oxide1/||' \
  | xargs -rI {} rot --object Screenshot:{} screen call remove

# Wait for the leftAction (long press on left button, or swipe from left edge of screen)
rot --once system listen leftAction

# Log changes to wifi state
rot wifi listen state

# Disable telemetry
rot settings set telemetry false

Display Server Client (blight-client)#

When running an application from the command line, you can force it to use the display server by running it with blight-client. The client supports configuration with the following environment variables:

  • OXIDE_PRELOAD_FORCE_QT Force a Qt application to use the Oxide QPA.

  • OXIDE_PRELOAD_FORCE_RM1 Force an application to believe it is running on a reMarkable 1 tablet.

  • OXIDE_PRELOAD_EXPOSE_FB If set, the framebuffer will be directly exposed to the application. It is not recommended to use this, as the display server is not expecting applications to have direct access outside of exclusive mode.

  • OXIDE_INPUT_BATCH_SIZE Number of input events without a EV_SYN SYN_REPORT to queue before flushing them through to the application. Defaults to 16

  • OXIDE_PRELOAD_DEBUG Debug level. Defaults to 4.

  • OXIDE_PRELOAD_DISABLE_INPUT Disable input handling.